Features Include:
- Single Sign On
- Assignment Linking (Deep Linking)
- Canvas SpeedGrader - Manual Grading
- Support for LMS Course Copy
- Support of all Nearpod school and district setup configurations
- Support of all Nearpod rostering options
Where to begin
The following information is an administrator and teacher guide for the Nearpod LTI 1.3 integration for Canvas. In this article you will also find steps to complete the following tasks.
- Removing LTI 1.1 integration for those moving to LTI 1.3
- Adding Nearpod to Canvas as an Admin
- Adding Nearpod lessons to Canvas as an Instructor
- Accessing Nearpod as a Student
Adding Nearpod to Canvas as an Admin
LTI 1.1 Canvas user moving to LTI 1.3 Canvas integration
Important: It’s important to do this first to reduce confusion between the two separate integrations that are available.
These instructions are for setting up LTI 1.3 for schools and districts that have used Nearpod for LTI 1.1 in the past. This step will remove the LTI 1.1 Nearpod app from your LMS and from the courses. This will not impact your Canvas gradebooks.
Removing the 1.1 integration
- Sign into Canvas as an LMS administrator
- Select Admin from the left navigation menu, and select an instance
- Select Settings in the left navigation
- Select Apps and then View App Configuration
- Find Nearpod in the list, select the gear dropdown and click Delete
**This will delete the LTI 1.1 app from all the courses.
Now you can follow the instructions for first time Canvas integrations, directly below starting with ‘Activate the Nearpod Developer Key in Canvas’
First time Canvas integration with Nearpod
These instructions are for setting up LTI 1.3 for schools and districts that have not used Nearpod for LTI 1.1 in the past. If you previously used Nearpod LTI 1.1 integration please follow these steps first.
Activate the Nearpod Developer Key in Canvas
- Sign into Canvas as an LMS administrator
- Select Admin from the left navigation menu, and select an instance
- Select Developer Keys from the left navigation menu
- Click on the Inherited tab along the top
- Click on “Show all Keys” at the bottom
- Scroll to find ‘Nearpod (LTI 1.3)’ in the list with the matching Client ID 170000000000772. Toggle to the On position.
Adding the Nearpod App
- Sign into Canvas as an LMS administrator
- Select Admin from the left navigation menu, and select an instance
- Select Settings in the left navigation
- Select Apps and then View App Configuration
- Select +App
- For configuration type, select By Client ID
- For Client ID, enter or paste in: 170000000000772
- Select Submit
- Select Install
- On the page titled External Apps, find the tool just installed.
- Select Settings for the tool and then Deployment ID. You’ll need this ID for the next set of steps directly below.
Setup Integration in Nearpod LMS Integration Page
- In a new window, open nearpod.com and sign into your District or School admin account.
- In the left navigation, select Manage Nearpod
- In the left navigation, select LMS Integration Setup
- In the top right corner, click on + New Integration
- Select your LMS, in this case Canvas
- Provide the information in the form:
- Environment - Production
- Domain URL - This is the URL for the Canvas instance
- Client ID - 170000000000772
- Deployment ID - this ID comes from Canvas in the steps directly above. If you still have Canvas open in the other window, copy and paste the ID to the form.
7. When the form is completed click Save
The Nearpod setup for LTI 1.3 in Canvas is now complete!
Linking Nearpod lessons to Canvas as an Instructor
With LTI 1.3, there are several options for creating assignment links or deep links directly to a Nearpod lesson for your students. Follow the instructions below for the method that best suits your teaching style and Canvas class structure.
Adding Nearpod to a Canvas Assignment
These instructions will create a Canvas Gradebook column and provide the ability to manual grade Nearpod reports through Canvas SpeedGrader.
- As a teacher, from the left navigation menu click on Assignment
- In the top right corner, click on + Assignment
- Scroll down to Submission type, and from the drop down menu select External Tool
- Click on Find
- From the modal that appears, find Nearpod (LTI 1.3)
- Sign-in to your Nearpod account if you have not already done so.
- Select the lesson you want to add to the assignment. Click teach, then select the Nearpod delivery type you want to add to this assignment, Live Participation or Student-Paced
8. Complete the Canvas assignment details and Save & Publish when ready.
For more details on the Canvas SpeedGrader, jump to this section.
Adding Nearpod in the description of a Canvas Assignment
This linking type will not generate a connection to the Canvas Gradebook or Canvas SpeedGrader feature.
- As a teacher, from the left navigation menu click on Assignment
- In the top right corner, click on + Assignment
- In the description area of the assignment, click on the Plug and select View All
- Find and select Nearpod (LTI 1.3) in the list
- A modal will appear, sign into your Nearpod account if you have not already done so.
- Select the Nearpod delivery type from the lesson you want to add to this assignment, Live Participation or Student-Paced
- Complete the Canvas assignment details and Save & Publish when ready.
Adding Nearpod to a Module
This linking type will not generate a connection to the Canvas Gradebook or Canvas speedGrader feature.
- As a teacher, from the left navigation menu click on Modules
- In the top right corner, click on the three dots and select Nearpod (LTI 1.3)
- A modal will appear, sign into your Nearpod account if you have not already done so.
- Select the Nearpod delivery type from the lesson you want to add to the module, Live Participation or Student-Paced
Canvas Course Copy Support
With Course Copy for LTI 1.3 teachers will save time throughout the school year.
When an LMS course is copied, Nearpod will start a new session and the post-session report will only include the new group of students.
To ensure the session is ready for students to use, from your LMS course click on the Nearpod lesson from the Assignment or Modules area. When this message appears the Nearpod new session has started and is ready for students and co-teachers!
It is recommended that the teachers open the Nearpod sessions after a course or an assignment is copied so this step is not missed. This is most important for Student Paced lessons. Live lessons should be started when it’s time to teach.
- Student Paced expiration is 365 days (about 12 months).
- Live lesson expiration is 14 days (about 2 weeks).
If you are in an active course and your students are reporting “Uh Oh! Your teacher needs to launch the lesson” complete the following steps.
- From your LMS course click on the Nearpod lesson from the Assignment or Modules area.
- If lesson is set to launch in a new window, click the button within Canvas that says “load lesson in new window”.
Canvas SpeedGrader + Nearpod Reports
Once you are ready to grade your Canvas assignment with Nearpod lessons, there will be two ways to access Canvas SpeedGrader.
Access through Assignment area:
- Click on ‘Assignment’ in Canvas’s left navigation
- From the list of assignments, select the assignment you wish to grade
- In the top right corner, click on ‘SpeedGrader’
- A new browser window will open, the Nearpod Student Activity Report will be visible and the right hand column will provide an area to enter a grade. That grade will be sent to the Canvas gradebook in the column associated with this assignment.
Access through Grade area:
- Click on ‘Grade’ in Canvas’s left navigation
- Locate the column for the assignment to be graded and select the 3 dots
when your mouse hovers over the column title.
- From the drop down menu, select ‘SpeedGrader’.
A new browser window will open, the Nearpod Student Activity Report will be visible and the right hand column will provide an area to enter a grade. That grade will be sent to the Canvas gradebook in the column associated with this assignment.
Testing LTI 1.3 Integration in Canvas
- With the Nearpod app installed in Canvas for production, the Nearpod app will also work for Canvas’s testing environment without an additional setup required.
- Use the testing URL provided by Canvas, there the Nearpod app will work automatically like it does in production. The Canvas URL is formated like this (but could be different based on Canvas instance.) Ex: https://schoolname.test.instructure.com
Adding or Removing Nearpod from the Left Navigation
- In your class, click on Settings in the left navigation
- Select Navigation tab from the top
- Find Nearpod (LTI 1.3) from the list, click and drag down to remove or up to add.
- Don’t forget to click Save
- This placement will allow teachers access to all of Nearpod’s amazing program content, lesson creation tools and lesson settings. It’s recommended to keep available for teachers easy access.
Accessing Nearpod Lesson as a Student
- As a student, select a class
- Click on an assignment, Nearpod will appear inside of Canvas or open in a new window.
- Click on the SSO option your school requires, or click on Guest access
- Nearpod access codes are not needed in the Canvas integration!
Accessing Nearpod as a Student
- As a student, select a class
- Click on Nearpod from the LMS navigation. (This isn’t always available to students, ask your teacher.)
- Click on the SSO option your school requires.