LTI 1.3 Brightspace by D2L

Features Include:

  • Single Sign On
  • Assignment Linking (Deep Linking)
  • Support for LMS Course Copy 
  • Supports all of Nearpod’s school and district setup configurations
  • Supports all of Nearpod’s rostering options

Where to begin

The following information is an administrator and teacher guide for the Nearpod LTI 1.3 integration for D2L. In this article you will also find steps to complete the following tasks.

Adding Nearpod to D2L as an Admin

LTI 1.1 D2L user moving to LTI 1.3 D2L integration

Important: It’s important to do this first to reduce confusion between the two separate integrations that are available.

 These instructions are for setting up LTI 1.3 for schools and districts that have used Nearpod for LTI 1.1 in the past. This step will remove the LTI 1.1 Nearpod app from your LMS and from the courses. This will not impact your D2L gradebook. 

Removing the 1.1 integration

  1. Sign into D2L as an LMS administrator
  2. Click on the gear in the top right corner
  3. Select ‘External Learning Tool’
  4. Select ‘Manage Tool Links (Legacy)’Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 1.45.03 PM.png

Find Nearpod LTI 1.1 in the list, select ‘Delete’ from the drop down menuScreenshot 2023-07-19 at 1.46.17 PM.png

**This will delete the LTI 1.1 app from all the courses. 

Now you can follow the instructions for first time D2L integrations, directly below starting with Activate the Nearpod Developer Key in D2L 

First time D2L integration with Nearpod

These instructions are for setting up LTI 1.3 for schools and districts that have not used Nearpod for LTI 1.1 in the past. If you previously used Nearpod LTI 1.1 integration please follow these steps first 

Register Nearpod with D2L

    1. Sign into D2L as an LMS administrator
    2. Select the gear in the top right corner
    3. Select ‘Manage Extensibility’ under Organization Related section
    4. Select the ‘LTI Advantage’ tab and then select ‘Register Tool’
    5. Register your tool as ‘Standard’.
    6. Enter below details:
      Enable Toggle to enabled state
      Name Nearpod
      *Recommended, unless LTI 1.1 tool has the same name
      Description Use Nearpod to create, engage, and assess your student in every lesson!

      Redirection URL(s)
      OpenID Connect Login URL
      Target Link URI Leave blank
      Keyset URL
      Extensions Check box for 'Deep Linking'
      Roles Check box for 'Send Institutional Role'
      Substitution Parameters (4)

      Name: d2l_user_id
      Value: $

      Name: d2l_course_id
      Value: $CourseSection.sourcedId

      Name: resource_link_history
      Value: $

      Name: context_history
      Value: $

      Custom Parameters Leave blank
      image (12).png
    7. Select ‘Register’

Make note of the ‘Client ID’ and ‘Issuer’ URL from the Brightspace Registration details screen that appears. (recommended to leave window open till setup is completed)

Adding Deployments in D2L

      1. Recommended to right click on the ‘View Deployments’ link so that a new window appears to continue with the setup process. 
      2. Select ‘New Deployment’
      3. Enter below details:Make note of the ‘Deployment ID’ from the Brightspace Deployment details screen that appears. (recommended to leave window open till setup is completed)
        Enable Toggle to enabled state
        Auto Migrate Links Leave disabled
        Tool Select the toll that was just registered in the previous step
        Name Nearpod
        *Recommended, unless LTI 1.1 tool has the same name

        Use Nearpod to create, engage, and assess your student in every lesson!

        Extensions Check box for ‘Deep Linking’
        Security Settings If Anonymous is checked, integration will break.
        • Org Unit Info
        • User Info
        • Link Info
        Configuration Settings

        User preference
        Recommended to leave unchecked ‘Open as External Resource’

        Substitution Parameters Leave what came from registration
        Custom Parameters Leave blank
        Org Units User preference
        Recommended to make available for all.
      4. Select ‘Create Deployment’
      5. Make note of the ‘Deployment ID’ from the Brightspace Deployment details screen that appears. (recommended to leave window open till setup is completed)

Adding Links in D2L

        1. Recommended to right click on the ‘View Links’ link so that a new window appears to continue with the setup process.
        2. This process can be repeated 4 times, one for each type of link. There are 2 options for the LTI 1.3 basic launch and 2 options for LTI 1.3 deep linking.
          1. Basic Launch - Can be added to D2L course content. Nearpod Teaches will have access to all of the functionality on Nearpod students will see a blank page.
          2. Widget - Can be added to D2L course homepage. Nearpod Teaches will have access to all of the functionality on Nearpod students will see a blank page. 
          3. Deep Linking Insert Stuff - Access Nearpod lessons from HTML areas of D2L, like assignment instruction text editor. Students will be able to go directly to the lesson selected by the teacher. 
          4. Deep Linking Quick Links - Access Nearpod lessons from course content areas. Students will be able to go directly to the lesson selected by the teacher.
        3. Enter below details:
          Enable Toggle to enabled state
          Name Nearpod
          *Recommended, unless LTI 1.1 tool has the same name
          Description Use Nearpod to create, engage, and assess your student in every lesson!
          Type Select one of the options
          Substitution Parameters Leave what came from registration
          Custom Parameters Leave blank
        4. Select ‘Save and Close’ 
          **Almost done, one last step in Nearpod before the integration is complete!!**

Setup Integration in Nearpod LMS Integration Page

  1. In a new window, open and sign into your District or School admin account. 
  2. In the left navigation, select Manage Nearpod
  3. In the left navigation, select LMS Integration Setup
  4. In the top right corner, click on + New IntegrationScreenshot 2023-07-19 at 2.15.56 PM.png
  5. Select your LMS, in this case ‘Brightspace by D2L
  6. Provide the information in the form: 
    1. Environment - this will likely be Production unless you are testing the integration with this setup
    2. Domain URL - This is the Issuer URL provided by D2L during Registration
    3. Client ID - This is the Client ID provided by D2L during Registration
    4. Deployment ID - This is the Deployment ID provided by D2L during DeploymentScreenshot 2023-07-19 at 2.16.52 PM.png
  7. When the form is completed click Save

    **Congratulations!! Nearpod and Brightspace by D2L are now set up with the LTI 1.3 integration!!

Linking Nearpod lessons to D2L as an Instructor

With LTI 1.3, there are several options for creating integration points for launching Nearpod or creating assignment links (deep links) directly to a Nearpod lesson for students. Follow the instructions below for the method that best suits your teaching style and D2L class structure. 

Adding Nearpod Lesson via Quick Links

Nearpod lessons can be added to the course content and custom table of contents areas.

  1. As a teacher, select the course shell and module you want to work in. 
  2. Select ‘Existing Activities’ and select ‘Nearpod’ from the drop down menu.
  3. D2L will provide a window that will launch Nearpod, showing the My Lessons page. From here select either Live Participation or Student Paced when hovering over the lesson you want to teach.
    1. For the first launch signing into your Nearpod account is required.
    2. If you do not have any lessons in your Nearpod account it’s recommended to add Nearpod to the class by following the direction below or going directly to

Adding Nearpod Lesson via Insert Stuff

Nearpod lessons can be added to the HTML areas of D2L like in an assignment’s instructional text editor.

  1. As a teacher, select the course shell you want to work in.
  2. Select an assignment or create a new assignment. 
  3. In the instructions area, select the ‘Insert Stuff’ symbol Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 2.19.12 PM.png
  4. D2L will provide a window that will launch Nearpod, showing the My Lessons page. From here select either Live Participation or Student Paced when hovering over the lesson you want to teach.
    1. For the first launch signing into your Nearpod account is required.
    2. If you do not have any lessons in your Nearpod account it’s recommended to add Nearpod to the class by following the direction below or going directly to

Adding Nearpod to a Class via Basic Launch

Nearpod can be added to D2L course content areas. Nearpod Teaches will have access to all of the functionality on Nearpod students will see a blank page.

  1. As a teacher, select the course shell you want to work in.
  2. Select ‘Existing Activities’ and select ‘External Learning Tools’ from the drop down menu.
  3. Select ‘Nearpod’ from the LTI Link area on the screen provided. 
    1. This external learning tool placement will allow teachers access to all of Nearpod’s amazing program content, lesson creation tools and lesson settings.

Adding Nearpod to a Class via Widget

Nearpod can be added to D2L course homepage. Nearpod Teaches will have access to all of the functionality on Nearpod students will see a blank page.

  1. As a teacher, select the course shell you want to work in.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the course homepage and select the 3 dots in the bottom right corner. 
  3. Select ‘Edit this Homepage’ from the menu
  4. Scroll to the widget area and select ‘Add Widget’. 
  5. In the top right corner type in ‘Nearpod’ and click search or hit enter on your keyboard
  6. Check the box next to ‘Nearpod’ in the list. 
  7. Select ‘Add’. 
  8. Select ‘Save and Close’
    1. This external learning tool placement will allow teachers access to all of Nearpod’s amazing program content, lesson creation tools and lesson settings.

D2L Course Copy Support

With Course Copy for LTI 1.3 teachers will save time throughout the school year.

When an LMS course is copied, Nearpod will start a new session and the post-session report will only include the new group of students.

To ensure the session is ready for students to use, click on the Nearpod lesson from your LMS course. When this message appears, the Nearpod new session has started and is ready for students and co-teachers!

ZEN0095_Image 1.png

It is recommended that teachers open the Nearpod sessions after a course or an assignment is copied so this step is not missed. This is most important for Student-Paced lessons. Live lessons should be started when it’s time to teach.

  • Student-Paced lesson expiration is 365 days (about 12 months).
  • Live lesson expiration is 14 days (about 2 weeks).

If you are in an active course and your students are reporting “Uh Oh! Your teacher needs to launch the lesson,” complete the following steps.

  • From your LMS course, click on the Nearpod lesson.
  • If the lesson is set to launch in a new window, click the lesson so it launches in the new window and look for the success message.

ZEN0095_Image 1.png

Accessing Nearpod Lesson as a Student

    1. As a student, select a course
    2. Click on an assignment, Nearpod will appear inside of D2L or open in a new window. 
    3. Click on the SSO option your school requires, or click on Guest access
    4. Nearpod access codes are not needed in the D2L integration! 🎉

Accessing Nearpod as a Student

    1. As a student, select a class
    2. Click on Nearpod from the LMS navigation. (This isn’t always available to students, ask your teacher.)
    3. Click on the SSO option your school requires.

Have a suggestion? Click here to tell us how to make Nearpod even better.
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