Use bulk customization tools to curate your teachers’ Nearpod experience

As a school or district administrator, use Nearpod’s new bulk tools to easily curate the discovery experience for teachers. Add content in bulk to the school or district library from search or opt to filter out unnecessary search results that may not pertain to state standards.  This allows for easy curation of recommended content allowing teachers to find what is needed faster.


Customize the Nearpod experience within a school or district by using bulk tools to:

  • Add items from the search results screen to a school or district library.
  • Filter out unneeded lessons from search result

In this article, you will find:

How to turn on the bulk tools

1. Click on "Manage Nearpod" from your Nearpod homepage from the left navigation bar.

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2. Scroll down and Click on "Lesson Availability" on the left sidebar.


3. Click on the toggle to turn it on.


How to add items from search to the school or district library

1. Type a query into the search barlesson 2.jpg

2. Click on the sources filter
3. Select Nearpod Library

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4. In the upper right corner, click on the checkbox on desired lesson cards
5. After you have selected the ones you wish to add to the school or district library, click Add to District Library or Add to School Library on the floating toolbar

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How to filter items from search

1. Type a query into the search bar

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2. Click on the sources filter
3. Select Nearpod Library

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4. In the upper right corner, click on the checkbox on desired lesson cards
5. After you have selected the ones you wish to filter out of the search results, click Make Unavailable on the floating toolbar

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Feature Specifications:

Limitations and Clarifications

  • For initial rollout, the tool is limited to  selecting 20 lessons at a time for bulk actions. This does not pertain to the curated folders within our lesson library.
  • This tool does not allow for hiding premium content. These items will not have checkboxes upon hover.  
  • If a lesson from the Nearpod library was added to the school library, and then subsequently hidden, it will be removed from the Nearpod library and associated school library.  
  • If a lesson is hidden from a school library it will not be hidden from the district library given the hierarchy of how we handle district and school changes. An item hidden from the district library will hide at all associated schools, but a change at the school level does not roll up to the district or the other schools within the district.  
  • If a teacher follows a direct link to a hidden lessons, teachers will see a page that states that “This lesson no longer exists,” and is encouraged to search the Nearpod Library.

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