How to use Nearpod’s Integration with Microsoft’s Immersive Reader

Nearpod's integration with Immersive Reader allows students to access text accommodations including text-to-speech, translation, and more right inside Nearpod. When Immersive Reader is enabled through your advanced settings, students can access Immersive Reader on most Nearpod activities and with text on slides created within Nearpod or made with the Google Slides Add-On. 

With Microsoft's Immersive Reader built into Nearpod, teachers can:

  • Provide text-to-speech, read aloud, audio, and translation supports for English Learners
  • Create supportive classroom environments for students who need additional reading supports in any subject or grade level

Here's how to enable and use Immersive Reader: 

To get started, users must enable the feature in their advanced settings. Enabling this feature will grant access to every student on:

- Open-Ended Question

- Quiz

- Poll

- Draw-It

- Matching Pairs

- Slides created within Nearpod

- Slides saved via the Nearpod add-on in Google Slides

- Activities (Mulitple Choice & Open Ended Question) within Nearpod's Interactive Video




What to expect on each slide/activity:

- Open-Ended Question, Poll, or Draw-It: Microsoft’s Immersive Reader will capture the text in the instructions.

- Matching Pairs: Students can use Immersive Reader for the instructions and the individual cards (when expanded). 

- Quiz/ Multiple Choice: Microsoft's Immersive Reader will capture the text from both the question and answers. 

- Nearpod created slides and Google Slides (via the add-on): Students will be able to manipulate any text added to the slide.

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