How to manage users as a School Administrator

From within your Nearpod School Administrator page, you have the ability to manage your school's users. In this article you'll learn how to remove users, impersonate a user, edit user information, and grant certain admin permissions to specific users.

To get started, log into your Nearpod account and navigate to Manage School, then Manager Users. One you've arrived at the screen below, you're ready to manager users!


Managing Permissions

When you click on “Manage” under the “Permissions” section of the Manage Users section, you will see a pop-up box similar to the image below. You are only able to manage permissions for individual users. 


You can allocate “view only” or “full” permissions to certain aspects of your School Admin Dashboard to individual users. 

  • License Details: Allows the user to view the details of the purchased license
  • Manage Users: Allows the user to manage permissions of other users
  • School Usage Graphs: Allows the user to view a leaderboard of teacher usage
  • School Usage Statistics: Allows users to view a more detailed view of teacher usage
  • Post-Session Reports: Allows users to view other user’s post-session reports
  • Manage School Library: Allows users to add folders and manage lessons to the school library
  • Push Lessons: Allows users to add lessons from one user’s library to another

Edit Users

When you click on “Edit Users” in the Manage Users section, you will see a pop-up box similar to the image below. You are only able to edit individual users. This is not available in a bulk option.


As a School Administrator, you are able to edit the name of a user, update their password, and change their “user” type from a user to school admin.


Impersonate and Remove Users

When you click “impersonate” you will impersonate the user’s account and be able to enter their Nearpod account as them. This is a great option for helping users troubleshoot.

You can also “remove” a Nearpod user from your School subscription. By selection this option, you will not be deleting their Nearpod account, they will simply be downgraded to the free version of Nearpod.





Next: How to view and track usage as a School Administrator 

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