Nearpod users can create multiple active codes at the same time to join the same Nearpod lesson, video, or activity.
By launching multiple codes for the same Nearpod lesson, video, or activity teachers can:
- Create multiple Nearpods of the same lesson to meet the needs of different class sections, grade levels, or to differentiate for student needs
- Use post-session reports organized by your different codes to better sort your insights and data
Note: This option is not available to Silver users.
How to launch multiple Nearpod codes
1. After launching your first code, return to the "My Library" page and hover over the Nearpod you'd like to launch
2. Click on the teaching mode for your new code. If you have an active code for this lesson in that mode, the message below will appear. To launch an additional code, click on the blue "Launch new" button at the top.
3. A new code will be generated. Share with your students, and repeat if additional codes are needed.